Monday, October 18, 2010

It Doesn't Take A Rocket Scientist...

Everyday people everywhere are counting and measuring.  Some count in 'groups', 'blocks' and/or 'points'  while others opt for the more traditional calories, carbohydrates, fat grams, protein, etc.  Measuring can be as simple as comparing portions to everyday objects or the palm of the hand, or as detailed as using measuring cups, spoons, and food scales to get exact amounts.  Any way it's done - it takes time and let's face it, there are things we'd rather be doing. 

One of the biggest things I struggle with when working with clients and athletes is that many of them are 'over thinking' the whole eating thing.  I am often asked how many 'blocks', 'points', calories, etc. a plan contains - and while I could provide these figures I don't.  Individual response is and should be the main focus.  How do you feel?  How are your workouts going? What's happening with your body composition (not necessarily what the scale is telling you)?  I honestly could care less how many 'blocks' or 'points' are in a meal, more important is the food choices made.

I eat and set up meal plans for my clients based on individual goals, lifestyles, and food preferences.  "Real" food is the main ingredient and while I do include portion sizes as a guide - there is absolutely NO need to weigh or measure anything!  Meals are meant to be enjoyed but for many that often 'gets lost in the math'.  Many people sabotage themselves by believing that 'as long as it fits' into a daily budget of (insert measurement of choice here), then its okay.  Ultimately, any foods can 'fit' when using this philosophy - but just because they can - doesn't mean they should...

It's generally thought that the caveman wasn't very smart - yet he/she was able to avoid diabetes, heart disease, cancer, etc. and make better food choices than most of society today.  Granted there weren't a lot of other options - but still, they knew what they needed, found it, and ate it.  There was no sitting around the fire calculating how many 'blocks' of mammoth they could have with their berries and vegetables.  They just ate and my guess is ENJOYED it, not thinking about how much they could or couldn't have later.  I challenge you to try this.  Choose "real" foods - grass-fed (or lean) meats, lots of non-starchy vegetables, fats from coconut, avocado, etc., and fruit (depending on your goals).  Eat when you are hungry.  Stop when you are full and don't think about it anymore!!  Listen to your body - it will tell you what it needs!!

"It's so easy a caveman can do it."  Now - can you???


1 comment:

  1. It's just human nature to make the simple things difficult, isn't it? I mean, if a caveman can do it...
